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AW Deals, Inc.

Our company does not have a warehouse to house deals waiting for a sale. A few years ago we eliminated our warehouse and found that we are able to offer better prices to our vendors since we do not pay for freight, inventory taxes or warehouse fees.

As the buyer, finding products that I think we can sell within 2-3 weeks is my specialty. I ask for a sample and make an offer on the product. I ask for exclusive rights for a period of 3 weeks to sell them to my customers at their freight expense and have them shipped directly to them from your FOB point. We ask you sign a contract for whatever time you’re comfortable with making A W Deals, Inc. the exclusive seller of those goods. After the contract term is over; if not sold, we will continue to try to sell that deal.

I want the merchandise that you're having trouble getting moved.

Company Info
Basic Information
Company Name:AW Deals, Inc.
Business Type: Distributor/Wholesaler
Product/Services:Our mission is to buy and sell your product with no effort from you. We are a free sales force; you pay no taxes, health insurance, etc. for our sales staff to move your goods! ,
Company Website URL:TradeLeads.html

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